Food funny

Charcuterie advice for your New Year’s Eve party

America The Current Situation

The last day of 2023

It’s “123123” only if you use the U.S.-style numerical date order…

It Happened to Me

Photos from 2023 #3: Making a bowl with Anitra at Phoenix Studio / Gott Glass Gallery

Susan Gott’s glass studio and workshop, Phoenix Studio and Gott Glass Gallery, is in the neighborhood, and Anitra and I had been meaning to do one of the workshops there for some time. We got around to it in January 2023, but I never got around to posting the photos until now:

Anitra pushes a punty (glass-making rod) into a glass furnace.
Joey pushes a punty (glass-making rod) into a glass furnace.
Joey spins a punty (glass-making rod) with a cooling glass blob at the end to form what will eventually become a bowl.
Anitra spins a punty (glass-making rod) with a cooling glass blob at the end to form what will eventually become a bowl.
It Happened to Me

Photos from 2023 #2: Me and Anitra outside University of Tampa

Joey de Villa and Anitra Pavka smiling in front of University of Tampa.

A photo of me and Anitra from January 2023. Behind us is University of Tampa’s Henry B. Plant Museum (a.k.a. Plant Hall) and one of its distinctive minarets. Before Plant Hall became part of the University, it opened as the Tampa Bay Hotel in 1891, a 500-room resort and one of the first buildings to feature electricity and an elevator.


Only one of these is a wasteland

Picture of a desert, text: This isn't wasteland 

Picture of a huge empty parking lot: this is

Thanks to anna_lilith for the find!

Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me

Photos from 2023 #1: Tell your kids this was Daft Punk

Here’s a photo from the Auth0 by Okta company offsite in Cancun back in March.

I need to break out the electroluminescent wire glasses more often.

The Good Fight

Accommodating people with special needs accommodates everyone

Comic showing people waiting at the bottom of a stair/ramp combo leading to a school as someone shovels the snow.

Person in wheelchair: Could you please shovel the ramp?

Shoveler: All these other kids are waiting to use the stairs. When I get through shoveling them off, the I will clear the ramp for you.

Person in wheelchair: But if you shovel the ramp, we can all get in!

It’s all too easy for we (temporarily) ambulatory people to treat special needs as a secondary concern, but as the comic above points out, accommodating people with special needs accommodates everyone.

(This doesn’t just apply to buildings — if you design or develop software or web pages, keep this in mind!)