Geek It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Toronto Coffee and Code: Friday, July 31st at the Dark Horse Cafe (215 Spadina)


If it’s Friday, it must be time for another Toronto Coffee and Code! This one will take place at the usual location – the Dark Horse Cafe, 215 Spadina – and will run from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m..


Coffee and Code is my Friday afternoon ritual (a phrase that my classmates at Crazy Go Nuts University will find hauntingly familiar) in which I work out of a cafe and announce that I’ll be there. I’m making myself available as both a Developer Evangelist working for Microsoft Canada and a member of the Toronto Tech Community to answer your questions, take your comments, bounce ideas off or just chat with. Come on down, have a coffee (or tea, or juice) and say hi!



Fashion Warning

"School crossing" sign marked: "Beware: Guys with Purses" Found via Certified Bullshit Technician.


The Eyes Have It

point_and_shoot Photo courtesy of “rem”.

Geek It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

One of the Problems of Space Travel

I’m at the Science 2.0 conference today, the conference for scientists and what they need to know about how software and the web is changing the way they work. In honour of the conference, here’s a comic about one of the problems of space travel:

Old comic: "There are many problems of space travel you have to learn about"

The Current Situation

FOX News Doesn’t Know Where Iraq Is

In a comment to an earlier article of mine showing FOX News’ tendency to mislabel badly-behaving Republicans as Democrats, “RODAN” pointed me to this map of the middle east shown on FOX News in segment where Neil Cavuto interviewed John Bolton on Monday – note the country marked “Egypt”:

FOX News' map of the middle east, putting Egypt where Iraq is.

The problem is: that’s not Egypt, that’s Iraq! Here’s a real map of the middle east:

Map picture

You’d think that with their obsessions with terror, Muslims and safeguarding the nation, not to mention the presence of a former representative to the U.N. present, they’d know where Iraq was.


Medical Afflictions of the Cartoon World

"Medical afflictions of the cartoon world" poster

The Current Situation Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

City of Toronto and Unions Made a Deal

"Oscar the Grouch" from Sesame Street

…which means that if it’s ratified on Wednesday, the strike will well and truly be over. If that happens, garbage collection and other services provided by the people represented by CUPE Locals 416 and 79 could theoretically be back by Thursday. For reasons unknown and unfathomable to me, it has been said that services could take days or weeks to resume.