
Mayor Griffin, er, Ford Issues “Remove and Dispose” Order for NOW Magazine

nude peter griffin and rob ford

The cover this week’s NOW Magazine, one of the alt-weekly papers here in Toronto/Accordion City/Petoria, features a cover story with Photoshopped pictures of this fine city’s Peter Griffin-esque mayor Rob Ford wearing boxer shorts and less. The Toronto Star reports that in response, the mayor’s office sent out email orders to “remove and dispose” all copies of NOW from any City of Toronto buildings:

im the mayorThe issue hit newsstands Thursday morning. The email was sent at around 9 a.m. by Lorraine Pickett, custodial supervisor at City Hall, to the City Hall security desk and to custodial managers at other city facilities. It read: "Hi All, I have a request from the mayor’s office to remove all NOW newspapers from all City of Toronto locations/facilities ASAP. Please remove and dispose."

The directive was "reversed" later in the day, said east district supervisor Rex Bussey, and Ford spokesperson Adrienne Batra attributed Pickett’s email to a "misunderstanding."

Batra, speaking to reporters Thursday afternoon, said a member of the mayor’s staff, whom she would not identify, was "very troubled" by the images and independently decided to phone the facilities department to "find out what the policy is to have magazines and newspapers within city facilities."

The mayor’s office could’ve simply ignored the issues of NOW and the whole thing would’ve been forgotten by next Thursday, when the next issue comes out. By issuing the “remove and dispose” memo, they turned a non-issue into a censorship story (and sadly, it’s a bush-league sort of censorship that is rarely seen outside of student councils) picked up by:

The incident points out one of the major inconsistencies with the mayor’s office: Ford talked a big game about accountability, transparency and respect for taxpayers during the campaign, but in “Ford Nation” (as he is wont to call it), Soviet-style secrecy and image management is standard practice. It would’ve been much simpler (and a better use of city staff’s time) for them to have followed the maxim “What you resist persists.”


Crack: Worse For You Than You Thought!

Just look at its effects:



Seen Yesterday in Kensington Market

The T-shirt guys wasted no time in capitalizing on the whole Charlie Sheen thing…

Black t-shirt with drawing of Charlie Sheen's face, captioned "Winning"

Grey T-shirt with illustration of Charlie Sheen's face, captioned "Torpedo of Truth"

…and the Biebz’ popularity shows no signs of fading:

Baby onesies that read "Bieber [hearts] babies" and "Bieber saves"


The Biebz Gets Excited, Then Doesn’t

bieber cockfight

This one goes out to my friend Jodi Brown, who loves herself a good LOLBieber.


Error of the Day

report cards immanent

I believe they meant imminent, not immanent. Either that, or perhaps they feel that using the right homophone is for conformists.


Tweetgasm Tonight at the Gladstone


It’s the return of Accordion City’s monthly tweetup, Tweetgasm, to the venerable Gladstone Hotel’s Melody Bar. Hosted by Rannie “Photojunkie” Turingan and DJ’d by the DJ Duo Speedboats and Big Explosions, this is your chance to mix and mingle with the local twitterati, including Yours Truly. The fun starts at 6:30 p.m. and runs until 11:00.

melody bar


It’s Spring!

Spring officially began yesterday, and hopefully the weather will play along. To celebrate, here’s a cute little ditty that was a hit ‘round here in Canada in my last days at Crazy Go Nuts University: The First Day of Spring by The Gandharvas.