It Happened to Me

Photos from 2023 #3: Making a bowl with Anitra at Phoenix Studio / Gott Glass Gallery

Susan Gott’s glass studio and workshop, Phoenix Studio and Gott Glass Gallery, is in the neighborhood, and Anitra and I had been meaning to do one of the workshops there for some time. We got around to it in January 2023, but I never got around to posting the photos until now:

Anitra pushes a punty (glass-making rod) into a glass furnace.
Joey pushes a punty (glass-making rod) into a glass furnace.
Joey spins a punty (glass-making rod) with a cooling glass blob at the end to form what will eventually become a bowl.
Anitra spins a punty (glass-making rod) with a cooling glass blob at the end to form what will eventually become a bowl.

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