Animation courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
Month: February 2008
The Best Kind of Guest
Back in January, I wrote a summary of Larry Chiang’s article, How to Work the Room, a guide to “gracing” your way through a social or networking event (the article was inspired by a Guy Kawasaki post, which in turn was inspired by Susan RoAne’s book, How to Work a Room).
Of the ten tips listed in Chaing’s article, two were centered around being more of a host than a guest. This doesn’t mean that you should take over the party, but doing some host-like things, including introducing people, making the other guests more comfortable, saying “hi” to wallflowers and offering to help to the host.
People at the TED Conference (TED is short for Technology/Entertainment/Design, it bills itself as “group of remarkable people that gather to exchange ideas of incalculable value”) witness a great example of the “be more of a host than a guest” principle. At a panel discussion featuring these people:
- Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google
- Queen Noor of Jordan
- Carl “All the President’s Men” Bernstein
- Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert
- Ugandan journalist Andrew Mwenda
…a “technical glitch” stalled the panel discussion. Normally, this sort of interruption results in a lot of embarrassing dead air and a restless audience, but according to this Wired article, Robin Williams stepped in and helped out:
Cellphone photo of Robin Williams at TED taken by Paul Holland.Before the host, BBC World presenter Matt Frei, could finish his introduction of panelist Sergey Brin from Google, he announced there was a technical issue. Frei didn’t quite know what to do with the empty air while waiting for a fix and joked that the voice in his earphone (the producer) was telling him a long, elaborate political joke about Poland.
That’s when a voice behind me spoke up, presumably a heckler, and began speaking loudly as if he were conducting a live news feed, joking that he was reporting live from TED but “couldn’t understand a fucking word” and was “wondering why at a technology conference everything is running so shittily” (at least that’s the word I think he used; it was hard to hear the last word through the audience’s laughter).
The crowd by then had realized it was Williams. Encouraged by their reaction, he continued reporting to some unseen BBC anchorman from his seat: “Well, they said they found the wire, but it’s not plugged in.”
Williams was then invited to take the stage and the crowd roared. He spent the next ten minutes or so riffing on Stephen Hawking (who spoke at TED earlier in the day from Cambridge, England) and the end of the universe — which will take place “exactly in one hour,” he said, looking at his watch.
He joked again about the technical glitch, indicating that although the BBC wasn’t working, audience members “with their phones are going, ‘I’m getting all of this!'” And it was true. Dozens of people were capturing the stand-up act on their phones.
He riffed about a new Apple product called the “iWhy?” and a few seconds later said he had just one question about the British royal family: “All that money and no dental plan,” he deadpanned, which got a lot of laughs and a few sympathetic nods toward the BBC presenter sitting behind him (who appeared to have perfectly fine dental hygiene).
He didn’t spare panelist Brin and Google, noting that if you walk into Google you see everyone in front of their computer sitting on exercise balls, “which I think is how they’re hatching new employees.”
And Israel got a mention as well, since it was launching a new internet service called “Net-an-yahoo” (riffing on Bibi Netanyahu’s name).
The glitch was finally fixed but not before TED curator Chris Anderson asked Williams to come back the next day and lend the proceedings some more of his good cheer.
(An aside: Did Kim Zetter, the author of the article, have to use some form of the word “riff” three times in five paragraphs? We should send her a thesaurus.)
This sort of emergency is why I take the accordion with me — it’s helped me help out a host in a number of situations.
The L.A. Times has an article on the blog Stuff White People Like. No wonder I like the blog — it was created by a guy who came from Toronto after he was chatting with a Filipino friend.
Here’s a noteworthy excerpt from the article:
Lander, who arrived in L.A. from Toronto 2 1/2 years ago, came up with the idea for the blog after talking to a Filipino friend about how much they both liked the HBO police drama “The Wire.” For some reason he’s already forgotten, they both wished that more white people watched the show. Which got him thinking: What exactly do white people like?
By “white people,” Lander doesn’t actually mean the more than 221 million Americans who check that box on the decennial census. But that’s part of the fun. Lander is doing to whites what scores of journalists and politicians do to non-white minorities every day, “essentializing” complex identities — that is, stripping away all variety and reducing them to their presumed authentic essences.
One irony-deficient reader complained that the blog was less about white people than it was about yuppies. And without knowing it, she was cutting to the heart of the joke. Lander is gently making fun of the many progressive, educated, upper-middle-class whites who think they are beyond ethnicity or collectively shared tastes, styles or outlook. He’s essentially reminding them that they too are part of a group.
Also on My Agenda Next Week
In addition to making an appearance at BarCamp Austin, I also plan to be at South by Southwest Interactive (a.k.a. “SxSWi”)…
The Drama Triangle
This would make an excellent T-shirt design. Or perhaps the crest for a high school! Or a LiveJournal!
Diagram courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
On My Agenda Next Week…
Conservapedia: Still Obsessed
One of the more popular entries in this blog is Conservapedia Obsessions, which revealed that according to Conservapedia’s own stats page, 9 of its 10 most-read pages had the word “homosexuality” or “gay”. That was back on November 20th. Here’s what their stats page says are their 10 most-read pages as of February 28th, 2008 at 12:32 p.m. EDT:
- Homosexuality [2,345,324]
- Main Page [2,321,525]
- Teen Homosexuality [410,002]
- Arguments Against Homosexuality [330,024]
- Homosexual Agenda [327,081]
- Wikipedia [316,012]
- Ex-homosexuals [314,977]
- Homosexuality and Choice [310,178]
- Homosexuality and Anal Cancer [297,747]
- Homosexuality and Health [291,253]
Still obsessed, I see. Hence the joke:
Q: How many Republican politicians can you fit in the closet?
A: Evidently, all of them.