
Marketing Client Bear

Marketing Client Bear: it’s funny because it’s true.

im no copywriter

less yogi more smokey

our customers are bears

q3 goal

show me some metrics


Sign of the Day

feeding enticing or molesting alligators

Anyone harebrained enough to molest an alligator is going to ignore this sign.


Spacing Winter Issue Party Tonight!

spacing winter 2011 issue

The next issue of Spacing, the magazine about life in Accordion City and how to make it and other cities better places, should be available soon. The cover story is about winter and the city; for the most part, I think that although winter is always something to contend with, Accordion City generally gets off relatively easy with winter.

As always, Matthew Blackett and the other fine folks behind Spacing are holding a release party to coincide. I’m thinking of going – it’s at the El Mocambo (464 Spadina, just south of College, and really, you should know where the ElMo is) and the fun starts at 7:30 p.m. Cover is $5 for Spacing subscribers, $10 for non-subscribers. If you’d like to attend, let them know by RSVPing on the Facebook event page for the party.

If you attend:

  • You’ll get the new issue of Spacing
  • You’ll dance to the music of the Track Meet DJ crew
  • If you’re wearing a Pinko button, you can get a free back issue of your choice
  • You’ll be able to participate in the paper snowflake contest – best ones win prizes
  • There’ll be Crayola markers for you to draw your own subway/LRT routes – sort of like the way our new mayor, Mayor Griffin – er, I mean Mayor Ford – seems to do his transit planning
  • You’ll meet loads of great urbanists for conversation

Sound like fun – see you there!


The “Jeopardy” Episodes with IBM’s “Watson”, All in One Place

ken jennings

Someone who goes by the name “TheArcticEcho” digitized all the Jeopardy episodes featuring Watson playing against champion players Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter and uploaded them to YouTube. As an added bonus for people who like to see behind the scenes, VentureBeat uploaded the practice match.

I’ve been in Seattle all week for Microsoft’s TechReady conference, so I haven’t had a chance to catch Jeopardy on TV. I probably won’t get a chance to watch the YouTube videos until after I return from Seattle on Sunday night, so I decided to gather all the videos in one place for convenient viewing on Family Day – enjoy!

The Practice Match

Day 1, Part 1

Day 1, Part 2

Day 2, Part 1

Day 2, Part 2

Day 3, Part 1

Day 3, Part 2

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.


Graphic Design 101

graphic design 101

Funny because it’s true.


Happy Valentine’s Day!


Have a good one, everybody!

The Golden Girls picture I posted for Valentine’s Day 2008 is getting a lot of hits, and I figured it was worth reposting below. Enjoy!



Scenes from Seattle, Part 1

Here’s a photo I took during my flight from Toronto to Seattle (where I’ll be for the bext 10 days), getting as much geek mileage as I can. That’s The Social Network playing on the in-flight entertainment system (until yesterday, I still hadn’t seen it), and below that is me getting screenshots for an upcoming Windows Phone 7 development article on my Dell Latitude XT2, my phone- and touch-development demo machine.

"The Social Network" playing on in-flight entertainment system while I work on my laptop, with Visual Studio Express for Phone onscreen

I suppose I could’ve geeked out more by pulling out my other computer – the Dellasaurus – but it’s a 17” beast (Quad core i7 chip! 16 gigs RAM! 1 gig video! Orange!) that doesn’t fit on an airline tray table and I don’t think the person in the seat beside would’ve appreciated it.

While going through security to board the “puddle-jumper” that would take me from Vancouver to Sea-Tac, the security people asked me to prove that my accordion was indeed a musical instrument. I played the refrain from Black Eyed Peas’ I Gotta Feeling as proof and got a “standing O” at the end.

Joey deVilla's accordion, with an "I [heart] Windows Phone" sticker on it.

Here’s a photo I took from my hotel room early this morning. It’s actually sunny in Seattle! Better still, it’s balmy in comparison: 6 degrees C here, versus –10 back home. I’m going to enjoy the next ten days here!

The sun rising over the Seattle skyline