It Happened to Me

What we’ll be drinking from tonight

These were a lucky find at Peterbrooke chocolatier, who’ve recently opened a store in downtown Tampa.

Have a happy new year!

funny In the News

They’re high in protein, low in sugar, and not processed

Thanks to David Janes for the find!

The party poopers at CNN have since revised the headline’s phrasing.


Stranger than Fiction

Now is the perfect time to go through your kitchen cupboards

Tap to view the expired food at full size.

The end of the calendar year is a perfectly good time to go through your kitchen cupboards and look for anything that’s seriously well past its “best before” date. Consider the jar in the photo above. That’s not peanut butter, caramel, or dulce de lecheit’s Miracle Whip from about 30 years ago!

Here’s a little more context, courtesy of the Things Found In Walls – And Other Hidden Findings Facebook group:

The More You Know...

“Week after Christmas” reading list, part one

The New Yorker: Jeffrey Sachs on the Catastrophic American Response to the Coronavirus. “Where does the United States stand in this? Well, the United States has done the unimaginable, and that is to try to cut the functioning of the W.H.O. in the middle of the pandemic. So I’m not looking for American heroism. I’m looking for the United States not to be among the most destructive forces on the planet right now.”

Creative Commons image by TUBS. Tap to view the source.

How to start a new job, in a new country, in the middle of a pandemic: Justin Giovannetti moved from Canada to New Zealand, and then COVID-19 happened. Here’s his report from November.

It starts when you’re always afraid: This is a 2013 piece by Greg Fallis, and it’s about a phenomenon that’s only ramped up since then. “The United States has become a nation ruled by fear-biters. A lot of our social policies are grounded in fear, and much of that fear is totally unfounded. We’re afraid of terrorists, so we find ways to weasel around the law in order to round up the people we’re afraid of and lock them away forever where we can’t see them. ‘Indefinite detention’ and ‘enhanced interrogation’ are other forms of fear-biting.”

Creative Commons photo by Giorgio Montersino. Tap to view the source.

The case against telecommuting: Face Time, a New Yorker article published back in the halcyon days of March 2013, uses the case of Yahoo!’s then-CEO Marissa Meyer’s ending of telecommuting at the company. The article does say that telecommuting is workable in companies with healthy cultures, but there was a trend away from it, and management at the time was all for bringing everyone back to the office. It makes for very quaint reading now.

And finally, here’s The Emotional Journey of Creating Anything Great.

funny Geek

She might want to let the wookiee win

Found via David Moses. Tap to view at full size.
America The Current Situation

And now, a word from “Mitch Antoinette”…

Mitch McConnell as Marie Antoinette, saying “Let them have $600.”

funny Geek It Happened to Me

I’ll bet you didn’t know that Home Depot had an “escape room” section

Tap to view at full size.