
This was also my reaction

this was also my reaction

…and remember, that’s what he looked like before Rey worked him over.


Love in the time of xenophobia

love in the time of xenophobia

Identities have been obscured because even people with terrible ideas deserve privacy.

The above is an actual conversation that took place on a Facebook page for Alberta separatists. For those of you who aren’t from Canada, Alberta is Canada’s most Texas-like province, not just with the cowboys, oil, and neoconservatism, but also hockey, high tech, and pockets of Austin-like enlightenment. There’s always been a small, loud, and white group of disgruntled Albertans who’d love to ditch the rest of Canada and become its own caliphate, and two of them (the lady is the gold character in the conversation, the gentleman’s the blue character, the green character is some other person) look like they’re about to start something magical — and as the gentleman phrased it, “Hetero, lol!”.

Xenophobes, as this shows, are just like the rest of us.


Flowchart: Whom to vote for in the U.S. elections

us election flowchart

Click the photo to see it at full size.

In case you were having trouble figuring out whom to vote for…

Found via Chris Lay.


There’s a Peter Griffin image for every Rob Ford story

peter griffin and death

Seriously, it’s as if Family Guy‘s doing it on purpose.

(I’m still on vacation, so my Rob Ford commentary will appear in a few days.)


Never mind “one size fits all”; one size isn’t even one size anymore!

usa l eur xl mex xl

Have you noticed this trend on clothing size tags, where a US “large” is “extra large” to the rest of the world? I stumbled across the photo above last week and then saw the same thing in real life when I bought the shirt below during our first anniversary trip to Disney World:

star wars shirt

Here’s a closer look at the size tag:

star wars shirt tag

I almost fit into the size M shirt, which was pretty large for a “medium”. I could button it up, but I’m not going for the “Benedict Cumberbatch look”:

cumberbatch shirt 2

cumberbatch shirt 3

cumberbatch shirt 1

benedict cumberbatch shirt buttons

We may need to use smaller geographical divisions on clothing tags. Judging from the people I saw during my last visit, I’m “Ohio skinny”.


One year ago today…

anitra and joey wedding

…Anitra and I got married. Here’s the highlight reel of that day:

It’s been a fun journey so far, and what better way to celebrate by having a couple of fun journeys? The first one took place this weekend, when we went back to where we had our honeymoon: The Happiest Place on Earth!

joey and anitra disney world

The second journey’s happening soon, and it’s a little longer and farther away:


Of course, the best journey is the lifelong one that we’ll take together:

anitra and joey wedding rings

Here’s something that you probably don’t know about us: When we go our separate ways each weekday for work, I give Anitra a kiss, and then say “Death to your enemies”. In that spirit, I’ll close this post with this message to her on this very special day:

happy anniversary anitra


A purple velvet-covered Rolls Royce in Knightsbridge

purple suede rolls royce

Click the photo to see it at full size.

This purple velvet-covered Rolls Royce was spotted parked in the parking lot at Knightsbridge in London. I can’t imagine that this is a terribly practical “paint job” — it is taken out only when the owner’s sure that it won’t rain or snow?

Apparently, this car’s been spotted in the finer parts of London over the past few months.