funny Life Music Play

Japanese Cross-Dressing Bassist of the Day

The anime-girl outfits that the YouTube user “hjfreaks” wears may be a little off-putting, but if the bass tracks on these video are really of him playing, he’s pretty good:

Sometimes a guy wants to take a break from blistering bass runs and just dance:

7 replies on “Japanese Cross-Dressing Bassist of the Day”

I think he’s pretty!

He’s actually an amazing bass player. Stylistically we don’t have much in common, but if I was in a J-pop band I would seek him out in a second.

Reminds me of something my wife once said. “There’s 3 kinds of sexuality–gay, straight, and Japanese.”
Solid player though!

He’s really good. And he’s not Japanese, he’s South Korean. But that doesn’t change his talent…or his weirdness.

Maybe someday I’ll be a bassist exactly like this guy, except for the eight string bass part.

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