funny Music

Underwear Goes INSIDE the Pants

One of the top items on Reddit today is a link to a “Best of Craigslist” posting titled Underwear Goes Inside the Pants, a funny rant about some of the problems in modern American society (it’s applicable to us here in Canada too).

This part always cracks me up:

I walked behind this guy the other day. A homeless guy asked him for money.

He looks right at the homeless guy and says “Why don’t you go get a job, you bum?”

People always say that to homeless guys like it is so easy.

This homeless guy was wearing his underwear outside his pants. Outside his pants.

I’m guessing his resume isn’t all up to date. I’m predicting some problems during the interview process.

The person who posted Underwear Goes Inside the Pants to Craigslist didn’t write it. It’s a stand-up comic routine by Greg Giraldo; it was then set to music by “Lazy B” (formerly “Lazyboy”, but a certain manufacturer of reclining chairs took issue with the name), a project started by a former member of Aqua (yes, the Aqua behind that annoying bubble-gum number, Barbie Girl). If you’ve never heard the rant or tune before, here’s the music video. Enjoy!

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