
What Can You Get a Wookie for Christmas?

Photo: Chewbacca sitting in an actors' chair between takes.

For your listening pleasure: a cute little Christmas ditty called What Can You Get a Wookie for Christmas? [4.7 MB MP3 file, included as enclosure with this entry.]

4 replies on “What Can You Get a Wookie for Christmas?”

Hi!…I’ve just discovered this song… this is a great song!!!!!! (…I’m becoming nerd???…maybe, I don’t care) …anyway, I want to get the lirycs, plis… where can I get it?????

I love this song…

Greetings 4 all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this song- we did a chorus version (in my maybe 5th grade class in 1980)- haven’t thought to locate it since. Nice to hear it again, as the first verse has been stuck in my head for many years …:)

Now I can show my husband I was not crazy -or joking!

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