
Ruby Job Fair in Toronto Tonight!

Ruby Job Fair Poster

Don’t forget: the Ruby Job Fair takes place tonight at Unspace headquarters (342 Queen Street West; it’s the door just to the right of Lululemon)! If you’re looking for work that involves Ruby programming or if you’re an employer looking for Ruby developers, you’ll want to be at this event, which is more cocktail social than career fair. Yes, there will be a bar.

The event takes place from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.. DO NOT show up early! They’ll either be wrapping up the day’s work (remember, Unspace is a development shop) or prepping for the event. If you plan to show up fashionably late, please note that the employers are doing their three-minute “soapbox” spiels starting at 6:30.

There’s a small registration fee to help cover the costs of holding this event: it’s $5 for people looking for a job; $15 for employers looking for Ruby developers. You’ll get a lot of bang for your buck at this event. Click here to register for the event, and do it before the tickets run out!

Shopify logo

If you’re looking for Ruby work at one of the most successful startups around, you might want to consider Shopify. I’ll be there tonight as Shopify’s representative – find me (I’ll be the guy with the accordion) and we’ll talk.

If you’re looking to find out more about Ruby Job Fair, check out the Ruby Job Fair site as well as my earlier article on the Fair.

This article also appears in the Shopify Technology Blog.


Twitter’s So-Bad-It’s-Good Recruiting Video

At Twitter, The Future is You! is a funny recruiting video. It reminds me of Microsoft’s internal training videos.

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.


The Republicans, On Jobs

Let’s file this one under “Funny because it’s true”:

Photos of John Boehner on different occasions: "GOP before Occupy Wall Street: Where are the jobs? / GOP after Occupy Wall Street: Why don't all those protesters just get jobs?"

Picture found via Reddit.


Work-Related Greeting Cards

“You should be thankful you have a job!” used to be a reminder of the importance of gratitude. Unfortunately it’s all too often used as a thinly disguised version of “It’s because of you that I’m not already a millionaire” these days.

 In the spirit of this new meaning, here’s a greeting card from someecards, the masters of “It’s funny because it’s true”:

Greeting card featuring a woman at a computer: "Having a job is the new raise"

And for those of you celebrating the High Holidays, here’s a reminder of the importance of networking!

Greeting card featuring two men praying: "The key to weathering this rough economic climate could be the connections we make at synagogue during the High Holidays."

(By the bye, this works just as well at church, the mosque, secret meetings of the Illuminati and the Toronto Techie Dim Sum, which will take place next week!)


The Headhunter Approves

this or this

Nick “Ask the Headhunter” Corcodilos wrote this about my recent come-work-for-Microsoft piece, Developer Evangelist. Toronto Area. Now Hiring. Maybe You?:

I still think the best way to find great people to hire is to go where they hang out and talk to them.

But if you’re gonna post something online to tell people about your organization and to get them interested… Joey deVilla over at Microsoft Canada has a good idea.

Just tell people about your business.

This ain’t rocket science. Here’s why deVilla scores major points with me. This is a guy talking about a job he loves doing himself. He’s telling you what gets him up in the morning, about his boss, about the cool gear you’d get to work with, about the team’s philosophy, and much more. The sort of stuff you wouldn’t ordinarily find out til you showed up for an interview.

And that’s the point. deVilla is telling you up front what this gig is really like. Yah, he makes it look great — there’s definitely some selling going on here. But lordy, there’s no selling at all going on in that other document. If deVilla’s posting makes it look like working with his team is a party, that HR word pile up above makes it look like life in a straitjacket!

Thanks, Nick!

Life Work

The Job Opportunity You Can’t Refuse

Allen Stern blogs about a sign that’s outside Rice to Riches, a rice pudding place in New York City’s East Village:

Sign: "Help Wanted: Start a career in the fascinating, fast-paced lucrative pudding business. Long hard hours, very low pay, lots of heavy lifting, work for a ball-busting asshole, dead-end job, no benefits, no advancement, must be college grad. Start immediately."

The sign reads:

Help Wanted

Start a career in the fascinating, fast-paced lucrative pudding business

  • Long hard hours
  • Very low pay
  • Lots of heavy lifting
  • Work for a ball-busting asshole
  • Dead-end job
  • No benefits
  • No advancement
  • Must be college grad

Start immediately

It’s attention getting; Allen says that he saw a number of people read the sign and as a result step into the store. There’s more in his blog entry about the sign.

I wonder how many people read it and thought “Sounds great! Where do I sign up?”

Geek It Happened to Me Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)


"employment.nil" posterIn case you’re:

  • a programmer who works with the Ruby programming language
  • looking for work
  • available to get down to Toronto’s “West Queen West” neighbourhood soon

you might want to do what I’m doing in a couple of minutes (as of this writing): heading down to the Gladstone Hotel (1214 Queen Street West, at Dufferin) to get a look at employment.nil, which bills itself as “the first Toronto Ruby job fair”.

Organized by the fine folks at Unspace, who are also organizing the upcoming FutureRuby conference and FailCamp (where I’ll be the MC), employment.nil isn’t your typical computer programmer job fair. No computers are allowed! They’re going to be strict about it – even the use of iPhone applications is verboten. Bring printouts of your resume and some scratch paper to do “live coding”. I’m going to bring my mini-whiteboard and dry-erase markers.

See you there!