
It’s Also Presidents Day!


It’s Family Day/Louis Riel Day/Islander Day in Canada, and it’s Presidents Day in the United States. Happy Presidents Day to my American readers! has got some great ecards you can send to friends and family for this very day.

not all of them were douchebags

I like the current one more than the last one, and more than the motley crew of competitors vying for his position.

And while we’re at it: Ron Paul sucks. Here are 20 reasons why.


I had no idea that there’s an upcoming Sarah Palin film, nor that Julianne Moore plays her! Here’s the trailer for the film, whose title is Game Change (it’s based on the book of the same name):

As one might expect, Palin says that the movie, which depicts her as completely unqualified and incapable of being a candidate, never mind a chicken bone away from the presidency, has a “false narrative”. Remember, this is the journalism major who claimed in a TV interview that she read the papers daily but couldn’t name a single one, thought Saddam ordered 9/11 and believed that Queen Elizabeth II (and not the Prime Minister) ran the British Government.

president santorum

Don’t forget: Rick Santorum wants your sex life to be “special”. For a guy who’s pasting the “limited government” label to himself, he sure likes to think that certain matters that hit his invisible-man-in-the-sky buttons are under presidential purview.


It’s Family Day!

"Brady Bunch" grid overlaid with the words "Family Day"

Today, the third Monday of February, is a statutory holiday that takes place in a number of Canadian provinces:

To those of you who have the day off, enjoy! To the rest of you: get back to work!


The Bike That’s Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse

chainsaw bike

Found via dvice.


The Conservatives’ Cognitive Dissonance

scumbag stephen harper

Because if you’re not with the child pornographers, you’re with the cop killers and people with something to hide. With even the normally Conservative-friendly National Post taking issue with the new bill, they’re taking heat from all sides.


Patent of the Day: “Apparatus for Facilitating the Birth of a Child by Centrifugal Force (Issued 1965)”

centrifugal force birth apparatus

When they came up with this idea, the Blonskys must’ve said to themselves: “Yes, giving birth to you child is a special event in your life, but you know what would make it even more special? Turning it into a midway ride.”

centrifugal force birth apparatus 2

From the abstract for the patent:

It is known that due to natural anatomical conditions, the fetus needs the application of considerable propelling force to enable it to push aside the constricting vaginal walls, to overcome the friction of the uteral and vaginal surfaces and to counteract the atmospheric pressure opposing the emergence of the child. In the case of a woman who has a fully developed muscular system and has had ample physical exertion all through the pregnancy, as is common with all more primitive peoples, nature provides all the necessary equipment and power have to a normal and quick delivery. This is not the case however with more civilized women who often do not have the opportunity to develop the muscles needed in confinement.

It is the primary purpose of the present invention to provide an apparatus which will assist the under-equipped by creating a gentle, evenly distributed, properly directed, precision-controlled force that acts in unison with and supplements her own efforts.

centrifugal force birth apparatus 3

Another excerpt from the patent:

When the gynecologist decides that the most time for childbirth has arrived, he instructs the operator to start the machine. When the operator moves the controller handle 21 from zero position the motor 15 is started and through the speed reducer 17 and the associated set of sheaves and belts including the sheaves 19 and 20, the I-beam frame 26 and everything supported thereby are revolved horizontally about the vertical axis of shaft 14. As the operator moves the controller handle 21 to feed more and more current to the motor 15, the rotational speed of the machine progressively increases and so does the centrifugal force. The relationship of of rotation and of acceleration at three feet distance from the center of rotation is illustrated by the following table:

acceleration table

The physician’s estimate of how much of this centrifugal force will be needed to assist the mother in achieving the birth of the child and the maximum g‘s that can be used with safety on the particular patient are decided upon before the operation. During the operation, the operator gradually speeds up the machine to the predetermined force which is expected to produce the birth of the child and if such force does not accomplish this he does not exceed it unless the physician decides to go the higher g‘s. He cannot, however, go beyond the maximum g’s for which the machine has been set without causing the governor 105 to shut down the machine. When in the operation of the machine, the operator reaches a rate of rotation at which the combination of pressures produced both by the created centrifugal force and by the mother exceed the childbirth resisting forces (friction and constriction), the movement of the fetus occurs and the child is delivered into the net 88. While in the net, the child is still subjected to the action of centrifugal force and is caused by such force to firmly press against the elastic bottom of the net 88. As the elastic cables 89 and the net give somewhat to this force which is equal to the weight of the child multiplied by the number of g‘s it is subjected to, the cotton wad 97 in the net is pressed by the child against the switch lever 93 which is actuated to cut the power from the motor 15 and may be utilized to activate an electric bell, announcing the event. The operator then applies the handbrake 18 to gently bring the machine to a complete stop. Thereupon, the stretcher with the mother on it is detached from the machine and transported to her room.

centrifugal force birth apparatus 4

I’m imagining the draftsman commissioned to draw these diagrams saying “You want me to draw what?” There’s potential for some hardcore Japanese anime in this invention.

For the full patent-y goodness, see here.


What Bill Cosby Does

what bill cosby doesClick the picture to see it at full Jell-O Pudding Pop size.


Because Chicks Ruin Everything (or: The All-Dude Panel at the U.S.’s House Hearing on Contraception)

all-male panel on contraception hearing

The issue, in case you haven’t been following the news: The Obama administration’s new regulation requiring employers and insurers to provide contraception coverage to their employees. If you’re an employer whose mores come from 10,000 B.C. and don’t want to pay for your female employees’ birth control, the insurance company will cover the cost and not a penny will come from you.

The opponents: Republicans, who are sponsoring legislation to limit the availability of birth control to women. The regulation, they argue, is an infringement on religious liberty and freedom of conscience.

The picture above: The first panel of witnesses at a house hearing to review the new regulation. Here’s a roll call:

  • The Most Reverend William E. Lori: Roman Catholic Bishop of Bridgeport, CT, Chairman Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
  • The Reverend Dr. Matthew C. Harrison: President, The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
  • C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D.: Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University
  • Rabbi Meir Soloveichik: Director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University, Associate Rabbi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
  • Craig Mitchell, Ph.D.: Associate Professor of Ethics, Chair of the Ethics Department, Associate Director of the Richard Land Center for Cultural Engagement, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

They’re all men. It gets better with the second panel, which has two women out of six members:

Both panels put together have:

  • Two women out of 11 panelists
  • 10 out of 11 panelists associated with religious institutions

This seems to sit well with House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who insists that “the hearing is not about reproductive rights and contraception but instead about the Administration’s actions as they relate to freedom of religion and conscience”. This line of reasoning was also used to disqualify one witness, a female university student, since she didn’t “have the appropriate credentials” to testify before his committee.

The exchange over the skewed membership of the panels included these moments:

For more, see this article on Think Progress.