
The Conservatives’ Cognitive Dissonance

scumbag stephen harper

Because if you’re not with the child pornographers, you’re with the cop killers and people with something to hide. With even the normally Conservative-friendly National Post taking issue with the new bill, they’re taking heat from all sides.

One reply on “The Conservatives’ Cognitive Dissonance”

the difference is, the main expense is not from the taxpayer. It’s basically forcing the ISPs to foot the bill so that any police officer can call them up at any point and say

“I need to know which user was on this IP address 6 months ago,
Oh, and I need you to give me every IP address they’ve used since then,
Oh, AND I need you to start intercepting all of their traffic, and saving it for me,
Oh, AND I may not pick it up until I complete the case next year.
Oh, and, Oh, and, etc.

Read the bill, it’s a small ISPs worst nightmare, and a policeman’s wet dream.

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