
Caption This Photo, I Dare You

My friend Miss Fipi Lele finds all sorts of great and weird stuff, the photo below included:

A cross-dresser strapped to stretcher is loaded onto an ambulance as a man dressed an as Oompa Loompa and two people in rabbit suits (one comforting the other) look on
What photo can’t be improved by some old-school Oompa-Loompas?

See if you can come up with a caption for this photo and post it in the comments.

My caption would be: “Ain’t nothin’ like the Queen’s Homecoming street party!”

15 replies on “Caption This Photo, I Dare You”

“Even in Wonderland, Britney can’t seem to behave herself.” Or: “Performer at this year’s Wonka Ball takes ass backward approach to dance routine, and sells fans short.”

“The newest trend in looking hot with plastic surgery has backfired – transplanting your ass to the front caused this hollywood socialite a trip to the hospital, stat. Coattail-riding oompa loompa friends tag along for support while the bunny rabbits wonder who will supply their carrot addiction.”

A man and woman got more intimate than they originally planned when they were accidentally fused together while dancing at a private swingers club. The two victims were reportedly in “close proximity” to each other when a wormhole opened by the Oompa- Loompas caused their bodies to merge together. The Oompa-Loompas were attempting to capture two large rabbits that escaped from Loompaland. The rabbits were horrified by the events and promised to never run away again.

This isn’t exactly what I meant when I said you could use ass tissue.. I’m suing the damn surgeon.

KO’d with a series of rabbit punches, Mrs Lumpa curses the cruel twist of fate that had seen them born so temptingly carrot-like to their leporine assailants.

[…] var addthis_product = 'wpp-254'; var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true}; An ambulance, a rather large transvestite in underthings, and an oompa loompa. I wish I could say this was an Art of Bleeding Show, but I don’t know what it is.  (thanks Caption This Photo, I Dare You — The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century […]

“Her caramel just broke! Get her to the ICU, we’ve going to deliver this fudge-baby!”

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