[Cross posted to Global Nerdy]
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Trust me, kids: learn to play a musical instrument reasonably well before college.
As for accordion playing, the “coolness graph” looks like this:
[Cross posted to Global Nerdy]
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Trust me, kids: learn to play a musical instrument reasonably well before college.
As for accordion playing, the “coolness graph” looks like this:
8 replies on “Guitar vs. “Guitar Hero””
I just don’t see the coolness of being really good at guitar being at its nadir at 15. Doesn’t make sense.
Yeah, I agree with Mr. Bowman. Also, any 80-year-old who was good at Guitar Hero would be pretty darn cool. There should be an uptick toward the right of the second chart.
thank you man. This will help me bash idiots who honestly think that a simulation of an instrument is harder than actually playing it. ALl the while they don’t realize that being good at playing an actual guitar makes you better at the simulation. Imagine that!
your never cool if you play guitar hero.
your always cool if you play a real guitar
Guitar Hero > Guitar
People that sit in dorm hallways playing guitar are so annoying!
To even have the thought of guitar hero coming even close to guitar is ridiculous. I am hella good at guitar and suck at guitar hero, and I dont give a ****. Try having a jam session with some of your good friends and then try to tell me guitar hero is better.
Guitar Hero can suck it. I play guitar too and GH is fun, but it CANNOT TOUCH the real thing.
Anybody who thinks guitar hero is even remotely cooler than real guitar has to be the biggest nerd I’ve ever seen…