funny Geek

Why I Don’t Worry That My Job Will Be Outsourced to India

The types of jobs that get outsourced are those that management thinks are the type in which people are interchangeable and for which there are set procedures or routines from which you don’t deviate. I don’t worry that my job will be outsourced to India because my line of work — technical evangelist — is relatively outsourcing-proof.

As a tech evangelist based in North America, I’m required to be a good communicator in the English language. Hence posters like the one shown below give me a feeling of comfort:

'Speak English Like James Bond' poster from Mumbai, India.
Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

The line “There are two class: first class and no class” cracks me up.

4 replies on “Why I Don’t Worry That My Job Will Be Outsourced to India”

The greatest part is that its based in an “Irish Culture Institue”, I belive the English call such places “Irish Theme Pubs”. To be sure, to be sure

whatever happened to nakama, ambient vector, haven’t heard much from them of late, are they still around

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