
Job Opportunities at Tucows [Updated]

UPDATE: I’ve added an opening for a MySQL Sysadmin position.

Are you a techie based in the Accordion City area and looking for a job at a great place to work? Tucows needs to fill a couple of positions. First, we need a Customer Service Representative:

Squishy cow dressed up as a customer service representative.
Click the picture to more information about the Customer Service Representative position.

We also need a Technical Support Analyst:

Squishy cow dressed up as a technical support analyst.
Click the picture to more information about the Technical Support Analyst position.

Finally, for those of you into databases, we need a MySQL sysadmin:

Squishy cow dressed up as a technical support analyst.
Click the picture to more information about the MySQL Sysadmin position.

More details are in the Tucows Blog.

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