
Speaking of Europe’s "The Final Countdown"…

Here’s a link to a video that’s been making the rounds on the

internet’s “you’ve got to see this!” circuit. It’s a video of “Deep

Sunshine”, an

amateur band of teenage boys who have acheived the impossible: they’ve

taken Europe’s cheesy magnum opus, The Final Countdown, and made it worse [link goes to an MP4 video].

5 replies on “Speaking of Europe’s "The Final Countdown"…”

You swine sirrah – I was just going to bed when I saw that…travesty!

Now I can’t bloody sleep.

I’ve got lots of work and I’m getting married in a few weeks. That’ll do it every time.

That’d better mean this is the one and only time you’re getting married. I’d hate to have to sit through more periods of prolongued blog silence.

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