It Happened to Me

Congrats, Rannie!

The competition was pretty stiff, but in the end, the 2005 Weblog

Awards declared Rannie Turingan’s Photojunkie the Best Canadian Blog of

2005. Congratulations on your second win, Rannie! (He also won in 2003.)

I’d like to offer a hearty congratulations to the other nominees for the Best Canadian Blog title:

Another local blogger, Sam from Daily Dose of Imagery, also got a nomination for Best Photography of a Weblog and won. Congrats, Sam!

I got a chance to catch up with most of the nominees on Saturday at a

gathering that Rannie threw for the nominees for Best Canadian Weblog

(Kelly couldn’t make it). It was possible because this year’s nominees

were all from the Greater Accordion City Area. It was fun, and Kim has a writeup of what happened at Bacon and Eh’s — mine will appear later.

I’d also like to thank all those readers who nominated me both this year and last year. You’re the best.

And hey, I think I’ve got a good shot for the Lifetime Acheivement award next year…

4 replies on “Congrats, Rannie!”

Joey, You were robbed.

You know you don’t need a silly bloggie to know that you ROCK in my books.

Rannie, congrats to you. But I agree. Hee!

*smooches* to both of you, the sloppier ones to Joey of course.

It was fantastic meeting you on Saturday, I had a blast and I look forward to being able to see you and the others again!


PS – You’re a lifer already? Time sure does fly!

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