Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Reminder: PUBLICity This Thursday!

Graphic: Poster for PUBLICity. 

The launch party for PUBLICity,

a five-week photo exhibit featuring the work of the city’s top photobloggers, takes place this Thursday, March 17th at the Toronto Free Gallery (660 Queen Street East, a block and a half west of Broadview). The works will be on display through April 23rd. The featured artists are:

PUBLICity is a presentation of the Toronto Free Gallery and Spacing magazine, the fine folks who brought you those Toronto Subway Buttons mentioned on BoingBoing and other prominent sites written by dashing and devastatingly smart people. Spacing — whose motto is “Whose space is public space?” — is a magazine devoted to Accordion City’s

urban landscape and covers issues such as the increasing

corporatization and privatization of public space, the senseless

anti-postering bylaw and the city’s hidden gems and secret pathways.

I’ll be there. Since it’ll be St. Patrick’s Day, I’ll be very easy to spot; I’ll be the drunk guy with the accordion.

3 replies on “Reminder: PUBLICity This Thursday!”

Gooey, today when I try to enjoy your excellent RSS feed, Sharpreader is loading the whole web page containing the post, instead of just displaying the text of the post as it did before. Is this new behaviour intended?

interestingly enough, the LJ syndication of the RSS feed today is picking up nothing but the link URL… I wonder if it’s a related issue…

Good thing you have the accordion. Otherwise, you might not be distinguishable on the other criterion.

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