It Happened to Me Music

Drivin’ Music

In January 1992, my friend Henry and I decided that we’d do something different for our drive back to Crazy Go Nuts University. We would listen to only one song: Ministry’s then-new single, Jesus Built My Hotrod [Windows media sample / RealPlayer sample].

If you’re not familiar with the number, it’s a giant thrash-rock

wall-of-guitar noisefest fronted by the distorted vocals of guest

singer Gibby Haynes of the Butthole Surfers. I think we managed to

listen to it for about an hour (or 10 plays) before we decided “okay,


Here’s a man who took on an even bigger challenge: he managed to drive from Iowa City to Chicago to visit his girlfriend, and he chose to listen to only one song — ABBA’s Dancing Queen. Eeee-yow.

One reply on “Drivin’ Music”

My wife’s car had Frank Zappa’s “Billy The Mountain” stuck in the tape deck. After I mentioned this entry and reminded her about it, she’s started singing the whole thing from start-to-finish.

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