It Happened to Me

Greater Toronto Area Bloggers / Toronto Area Photobloggers Party THIS FRIDAY

It’s at my house. I still have the karaoke mic. Special out-of-town guest Min Jung Kim.

In case you need more convincing, check out last year’s party, in either album or slideshow version.

And yes, Wendy’s first visit to Toronto included last year’s GTABloggers party. I wish she could be here, but she’s got her hands full helping organize next week’s Internet + Society Conference at Harvard.

Photo: Wendy and Joey at last year's party.

Wendy and me, in the rock star wigs that we keep handy at my house.

Want an invitation? See this entry in the GTABloggers blog.

3 replies on “Greater Toronto Area Bloggers / Toronto Area Photobloggers Party THIS FRIDAY”

Thanks for hosting such a great event! Contrary to all of Rannie’s photos of me, I wasn’t drinking all the time. (Was I? I don’t remember…)

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