In the News

R.I.P. Pierre Berton

SvenGolly asked if it would write some kind of elegy for Canadian journalist/historian/author/television personality Pierre Berton. As I mentioned earlier,

my schedule today is rather packed, but let me say that one of the

things I admired most about Pierre was his ability to challenge and

confront other people in a genial, gentlemanly way.

If you want a good elegy for Mr. Berton, allow me to point you to Colby Cosh, who provides an interesting writeup; after all, he’s a new-school conservative who’s writing up an old-school liberal.

And for your enjoyment, I’ve enclosed a video that you’d never see a

similar American figure take part in; it’s of Pierre Berton explaining

how to roll a joint.

(The video is included with this article as an enclosure.)

Photo: Pierre Berton in 'Rick Mercer's Monday Report', holding a joint.

In the words of Louis Riel, “What you need is a fatty boom-batty blunt!”

One reply on “R.I.P. Pierre Berton”

Thank you, sir, both for the subject and for the mention… my first mention in the blogosphere. Makes me think I should start blogging myself, rather than just live vicariously through others. 😉

Many thanks for the video clip as well. I’d heard about the segment on Monday Report, but hadn’t seen it. Much appreciated! 🙂



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