It Happened to Me Music

Dragonette Live

I caught Dragonette at the launch party for a couple of weeks ago and was pretty impressed. I’m fond of their synth-pop-cut-with-guitars sound and am going to have to get my hands on their new album.

I took some shots of their performance; you can either check out this Flickr photoset or watch the slideshow below:


Photo of the Day

 Two guys posing beside a sign in French that points to the showers: "Douches"

[Found via Certified Bullshit Technician.]


Chomsky Meets an Internet Meme


If you don’t get the joke, this image search may help you.

[Photo courtesy of Certified Bullshit Technician.]

Geek It Happened to Me

My “Microsoft: Stop Making Fun of Us” Slide

This article also appears in Global Nerdy.

I started my presentation at WordCamp Toronto 2009 yesterday – Better Living Through Blogging — with this slide, which got a lot of laughs. A number of people have requested it, and I’m only too happy to oblige. Here you go: share and enjoy!

"I'm a PC" guy holding a gun pointed at "I'm a Mac" guy: "Microsoft: Stop making fun of us."Click the photo to see it at full size.

The image comes from a Worth1000 Photoshopping contest – here’s the original.


Burger Klingons!

If you thought that the “Burger King” character, with his glazed mask, wasn’t creepy enough…

Burger King

…you haven’t seen the Burger Klingons. Qa’pla!


Burger Klingons Click the photo above to see it at full size.

burger_klingons_3 Click the photo above to see it at full size.

burger_klingons_4 Click the photo above to see it at full size.


My Favourite Slides from Francis Hwang’s Presentation at CUSEC

This article was originally published in Global Nerdy.

Slide: "Programming is a big world. You have choices."

Slide: "Q: How is a brain surgeon a kind of artist? A: Why would I want to be an artist? I'm a fucking brain surgeon." 

Slide: "Live some of your life outside of the nerd ghetto."