
1960s-Style Covers for Movie Novelizations

I really like the abstract works that designers like Saul Bass created in the 1960s. Here’s an example of Bass’ work – his poster for the Hitchcock movie Vertigo:

Saul Bass' poster for the movie "Vertigo"

Someone who goes by the nom de plume of “Spacesick” likes ‘60s abstract graphic art as much as I do and has created I Can Read Movies, a series of covers for novelizations of popular movies done in that style. I show some of Spacesick’s creations below.

(If you’re a book publisher, you might want to drop Spacesick a line. His/her stuff is really good!)

Here’s the cover for the novelization of Caddyshack. It’s only missing one thing: the gopher!


Here’s the cover for the hypothetical book version of Sixteen Candles, one of the quintessential ‘80s teen movies:


The cover for Highlander captures the spirit of the movie while remaining refreshingly minimalist:


Here’s the Face/Off cover. Someone should let Spacesick know that “forward” is a direction and “foreword” is an introductory note in a book.


Here’s the cover to the “burning novelization” of Mean Girls:


Here’s Shaun of the Dead:


And finally, my favourite: a Japanese novelization titled Wonka-san! Just Punisher of Coddled Children:


You can see Spacesick’s other novelization covers in this entry in his/her blog as well as in this Flickr photoset.