
The Toronto Star’s writeup of my sister Eileen: The People’s Doctor

Dr. Eileen de Villa, outside her office building.

My sister, Dr. Eileen deVilla, is Toronto’s new Medical Officer of Health, making her responsible for the well-being of 3 million Torontonians. In her role, she’s in charge of 1,800 people and an operating budget of $245 million, all with the mission of managing Toronto’s health issues, which range from restaurant food safety to disease outbreaks to infrastructure to social issues that have an impact on people’s health. It’s a big job, but she’s up to it; I put more faith in her guesses than many other people’s sure things.

In today’s Toronto Star, she has a glowing writeup in an article titled How Toronto’s chief medical officer became The People’s Doctor. If you’re in the Toronto area, you’ll be pleased to know that public health there is in excellent hands.

Dad and Eileen, a little while back.

As an added bonus, you’ll learn a little bit about our parents, and why my sister and I get involved in our communities: it because it’s a value that our parents instilled in us. So kudos to Mom, Dad, and Eileen — I salute you all with a filet mignion on a flaming sword!

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