
Congratulations, Dr. Eileen deVilla, Toronto’s new medical officer of health (and my sister!)

Dr. Eileen deVilla — my sister, and Toronto’s new medical officer of health.
Photo released by the city of Toronto.

I’ll let Toronto news channel CP24 do the most of the talking, but I’ll say this myself: Congratulations, sis, and well done! I have every confidence that you’ll do a fantastic job.

Dr. Eileen de Villa appointed Toronto’s new medical officer of health

Dr. Eileen de Villa will take over as the city’s new medical officer of health in March after her appointment was approved by city councillors at Tuesday’s meeting.

In a news release issued by the city, Villa is described as a “distinguished scholar and physician” who studied medicine and public health at the University of Toronto.

She also holds a Master’s degree in Health Science, a Master’s in Business Administration and a certificate in health law from Osgoode Law School.

Dr. de Villa replaces Acting Medical Officer of Health David McKeown, who took over the position after Dr. Barbara Yaffe’s retirement.

Mayor John Tory and Coun. Joe Mihevc, chair of the Board of Health, both issued written statements on Tuesday afternoon expressing their confidence in the city’s new top doctor.

“Throughout the selection panel process, she demonstrated solid leadership and management skills, in-depth understanding of public health issues and a passion for public health promotion that will surely benefit the residents of Toronto,” Mihevc said.

Dr. de Villa will officially start her new position on March 27.

4 replies on “Congratulations, Dr. Eileen deVilla, Toronto’s new medical officer of health (and my sister!)”

Hi Eileen,
Congratulations on a well deserved appointment!!!
You do your family proud!!! Your dad must be
smiling up in heaven.
Nette, the fruit indeed does not fall far
from the tree! Congratulations!!!
Thanks for sharing, Joey!

It is a pleasure listening to you. I am so proud to know you as a student while attending High School then McGill university. Andre and you made me so proud.
Congrats. Keep up the good work.
Joan and Ken

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