
Hello, “I Effing Love Science” readers! Here’s the eclipse chart you’re looking for.

before you read this article

The Facebook page I Fucking Love Science linked to this blog for a funny infographic about eclipses, but didn’t link to the infographic itself. For you convenience, here it is again. It works best if you imagine Neil deGrasse Tyson reading it to you.

Diagram: Lunar eclipse (earth between moon and sun), solar eclipse (moon between earth and sun), and apocalypse (sun between earth and moon)

Found via Enno Park.

4 replies on “Hello, “I Effing Love Science” readers! Here’s the eclipse chart you’re looking for.”

Actually, it works best if you imagine that you’re reading it on Katie Mack’s twitter feed. You know, the person who made up the joke and original infographic? Credit where credit’s due.

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