
What I’m driving this week: The Yellow Peril!

Headline: My ride for the week / Photo: A yellow Camaro in the a rental car parking lot.

Click the photo to see it at full size.

I’m in Concord, Massachusetts this week to pay a visit to the head office of my employer, GSG. Concord’s a bit of a hike from Logan Airport in Boston, so work arranged for me to rent a mid-size car.

When I got to the garage, the guy saw the accordion and asked if I could play him a tune. One AC/DC number later, he said “For that, you get a free upgrade. Take any car from those two aisles.”

One particular one caught my eye. “Any one?” I asked, just to make sure.

“I know which one you’re talking about,” he said. “Take it.

And so I did. It’s the car pictured above. It’s a couple of stripes (and one Autobot) shy of Bumblebee, so I’ve dubbed it The Yellow Peril.

I put the one Boston rock station I remember on the stereo and put her through her paces on I-90 and 95. She handles rather nicely.

2 replies on “What I’m driving this week: The Yellow Peril!”

Nice! My wife and I were in Halifax a couple of years ago, and rented a car to do a four day driving tour of the province. We paid for a small sedan, “a Chrysler 200 or equivalent.” The day we picked it up, the guy on the desk gave us a free upgrade to a Challenger R/T. Score! I actually had to take it easy, because that thing was scary.

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