
Supermannin’ (or: My Afternoon of Indoor Skydiving)

20 joey and gfI’ve been in Florida for the past ten days, enjoying the weather (while it’s still cool here, it’s considerably warmer than back home in Accordion City), the company of friends, and of course, the company of The Girlfriend. My jobs over the time we’ve been seeing each other — the past year and a half — have allowed me to be here for a week out of each month, and things have been going rather well. The rest of the time, I’m working hard on getting our mobile tech consultancy off the ground.

“One week on and three weeks off?” said one of the guys in the shared office space we had a while back in Mississauga. “You’re living the dream!”

It’s a pretty workable arrangement, although I’d like to have her around more often. I’ll work on that soon.

Indoor Skydiving


“I found a Groupon deal for indoor skydiving,” the girlfriend asked a couple of months back. “D’you want to try it out?”

Having answered “yes”, we made our way to the Orlando area to visit Gatorland (I’ll put those photos in another post) and then iFly. It’s an “indoor skydiving” facility with a giant wind chamber that moves air at speeds of 100 mph and higher. The wind generated inside the chamber is strong enough to lift people weighing up to 250 pounds, and with a puffy jumpsuit and the right body position, you can “fly” as if you were in freefall and even perform aerial acrobatics. Many local skydivers go there to work on their technique.

Here are some shots of me “Sumpermanning” like a mofo:

joey indoor skydiving 1

Moments after entering the chamber.

joey indoor skydiving 2

“Straight outta Krypton, yo!”

joey indoor skydiving 3


joey indoor skydiving 4

Finding the right position and getting some lift.

indoor skydiving 5

Getting a whirling dervish ride to the top of the chamber with the instructor.

I had a blast, and will have to check out Niagara Freefall in my neck of the woods.

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