
How Many Digits of pi Do You Know? [Updated]

This one’s for all the math nerds…

How many digits of pi do you know?
Picture courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

Update: Matthew points out that Toothpaste for Dinner did a cartoon of this back in March:

Toothpaste for Dinner: \"How many digits of pi Do You Know?\"

15 replies on “How Many Digits of pi Do You Know? [Updated]”

I’ve always remembered it as 3.1415927 – just teetering on the edge of dick-ness.

i can do 23,032 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944862803482514592134129047210374092374902730947230947809238409823094809238409823904802938409283490823098490………………. and many more but i cant be botherd to write mor see im brainy

but im not a dick!! im cool i build computewrs for a living and run ant farms!!!! and also done some pretty extreme gameing so naa im pretty knarly for an average cool dude

hi there i am 13 and i come under the “dick” category!!



Micheal, you got some of the digits wrong. Keep practicing buddy. You’ll get it some day…hopefully.


I know pi to 3.141592653589793238462643383.
That’s scients and math category.
Any more digits is Dick category.

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