
19 Years Ago Today (or: The World’s Ballsiest Man)

\"Tank Man\" faces down 4 Chinese tanks during the Tienanmen Square Massacre

19 years ago today, “Tank Man” (a.k.a. “The Unknown Rebel”, or as I prefer to call him, “Iron Balls McGinty”) faced down four tanks during the Tienanmen Square Massacre. Little is known about this man aside from the fact that he must clank when he walks.

I salute you with a filet mignon on a flaming sword, sir!

5 replies on “19 Years Ago Today (or: The World’s Ballsiest Man)”

He’s dead. They hauled him away and shot him not long after the photo was taken.

PBS has a documentary called “Tank Man” and it’s probably free to watch on the PBS website or if you live off the coast of Somalia, you might find that your local pirates have a copy. It’s well worth the watch.

We should be ashamed that we buy Chinese products & sell our valuable resources to feed the Sino Communist Revolution. Everytime we buy any Chinese made product we inevitably contribute to those tanks & the assholes in charge over there. Tank Man stood up against the Man. And the Man killed him. And the Man sold us container ships full of cheap crap. Shame on China. Shame on us.

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