
“Hey, Joey, Wanna Do a Review?”

Just got this email:

I wanted to know if by any chance you would be interested in doing an unbiased review of one of our products.

If you agree we will send you a product sample so that you can try it and then write a review about it. Please note you won’t have to return the product sample after publishing the review.

The product in question? Peloop:

Screenshot of the Peloop site.These 3 materials will constantly provide your penis with amazing benefits. peloop™ is simply worn at the bottom of your penis just like you wear a ring on your finger. It’s penis enhancement and penis enlargement made simple.

These materials work by drastically improving the condition of blood inside your penis. Your penis health is as good as the blood health inside it. If you have unhealthy blood in your penis, you will have a weak unhealthy penis BUT if you have healthy blood in your penis, you will have a big, strong and healthy penis. It’s that simple. Please continue reading to fully understand how peloop works for male enhancement.

My favourite bit: the addendum at the bottom of the page that says “NOTE: JUNE 2007, NEW IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE PELOOP.” If I’m going to be strapping something on the Magnificent Pork Sword, it had damn well better be adjustable.

So, dear readers, what do you think? Do the review and get a free peloop, or pass and not have my in-laws (who read this blog) give me the “what the hell is wrong with you?” look forever?

13 replies on ““Hey, Joey, Wanna Do a Review?””

I say do the review, but only because it would be funny. I guess you’ll have to weigh shame from the in-laws with pure concentrated hilarity.

Kind of reminds me of a review on Zug I saw years ago.

You *have* to review it. The whole scientific community would *love* to hear about the awesome power of magnets and tourmaline and germanium. Or is that the pseudoscientific community? I always get those confused…

In the interest of protecting credulous people everywhere, you have a responsibility to review this product in only the most rigorous, scientific way. Plus, you’ll get linked to from everywhere! Talk about a traffic generator. You’ll be Farked. You’ll be Boing, Boing’d. You might eben get linked to by ‘Teh Scalzi.’

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