It Happened to Me

Austin Travel Diary, Part 2: Cleveland


I’m chilling out during a four-hour stopover in Cleveland Hopkins Airport, drawing power from an outlet clearly meant for the custodial staff, handling some correspondence on $2/hour wifi. Some quick notes:

  • The flight was on an Embraer ERJ, which meant gate-checking the accordion. Some minor damage ensued — the keyboard now slopes from the left side to the right — but it’s still playable. I see a repair bill in my future. I’m buying a copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer to pad my accordion case.
  • 7-year old boy on plane to 9-year-old girl: “Hillary said some mean things about Obama, and I hear some of them weren’t even true.”
  • Resiting the urge to ask people here if they’ve heard of any of the many unsavoury terms in the Urban Dictionary that begin with “Cleveland”. (Start at this definition and work forward alphabetically — be advised that the text is not safe for work.)
  • You know you’re in the American midwest when: the portions at Manchu Wok are way bigger. Good thing I only got the single-item-plus-rice meal; I can only image what the two- or three-item meals look like.

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