It Happened to Me Music Work

The Final Countdown, Again

Didn’t I just do this?

Once again, it’s my last day at the job, which means I’m cranking that classic of 80’s hair metal: The Final Countdown by Sweden’s gift to rock, Europe.

It’s become a bit of an end-of-job tradition for me that started back at OpenCola, the dot-com that Cory Doctorow co-founded and for which I worked for during those heady last days of The Bubble. In the summer of 2001 when all but seven people (I was one of the seven) were laid off, some wag played The Final Countdown over the office intercom system. Since then, I’ve associated it with departures from a company.

As is now the tradition on this blog, I now present a couple of versions of this song.

First, there’s the video for Europe’s studio version. (I’d post it on this page, but the copyright holders don’t allow that.)

Next, there’s the live version:

Can’t see the video? Click here.

Then, the most painful cover version of The Final Countdown, performed by Deep Sunshine:

Can’t see the video? Click here.

And finally, a Bollywood number that borrows from The Final Countdown’s opening riff. (Once again, the copyright holders won’t let me post it here, in spite of their having no compunctions about ripping off Europe.)

4 replies on “The Final Countdown, Again”

Hey Joey – I didn’t realize you did finally decide to leave. Where are you going?


At first I wanted to see this film for this musical and dance atrocity, then I discovered the evil character is turned down by a pigeon. Not before the pigeon has a flashback of the bad guy trying to kill it.
All real action bird & evil guy, non CGI and every one on an Bollywood musical from 1989. A must see.

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