
“1965” Canadian Club Ad: “Your Mom Wasn’t Your Dad’s First”

I probably shouldn’t admit this, but this ad with a faux date of 1965 (it’s actually brand new) makes me proud to be a rye and whiskey drinker (although I prefer Crown Royal to Canadian Club).

1965 Canadian Club Ad: “Your Mom Wasn’t Your Dad’s First”
Click to see the ad at full size.

17 replies on ““1965” Canadian Club Ad: “Your Mom Wasn’t Your Dad’s First””

The fine print on the right side of the top pic says 2007. I’m guessing it is using 1965-ish images to make the point of the copy. Or the Jun 1965 is part of the feel of the upper picture (were old photos dated in that manner?) the same way one of the lower pics has a white border and another has rounded corners.

I could answer that guess by looking up the Canadian Club website to see if their web campaign currently has a similar feel… it doesn’t. But this is a new ad campaign.

Authentic old picture or no, this ad sure makes me want some whiskey.

And someone with a tie. XD

Old polaroids were indeed dated in that manner.

I like these! Quite clever and memorable.

I love this campaign. Crown is also my drink, but I will go out of my way to add CC to my liquor cabinet because I respect the strategy and the execution. It’s like the Old Spice work, only with more focus.

The pictures are, in fact, authentic pictures from decades gone by. They were collected by Canadian Club to use in the ad campaign.

Hi guys, this is an idea I have for you to do as a poster for your Canadian club thing that your doing right now with the whole your dad used to do this and that , the picture is of my dad and his friends in Greece in the 1950’s I have the picture the picture is in great shape
but let me know if your interested in buying the image to promote your Canadian club, thank you for your time.

but how do i e mail it to you

[…] link. These retro-ads from Canadian Club are cool, even if the whiskey is mediocre. My dad was a CC drinker. It was one of three items he had in the trunk (”boot” – UK) of his car his whole life. The other two items were a rifle and a shovel. I only ever saw him use the whiskey. I was well into my teens before I realized it probably wasn’t OK on a roadtrip to stop and mix a tall “CC & 7″ to “help deal with the traffic.” This entry was written by meat and posted on March 9, 2008 at 8:24 pm and filed under Journal. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. […]

[…] One of the oldest tropes in marketing (the discipline in which both of my parents work, and in which they’ve taught me the basics) is this line: “If you can’t fix it, feature it.” This basically means that if there’s something so inextricably attached to your product (or TV show) that you can’t unlink the two, it’s better just to call it out upfront. For example, when Oldsmobile set out to rebrand itself in the 90’s, it had to deal with the perception that it made cars for old people. So they featured this flaw in their ads by immediately disarming that argument: their motto became “Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile.” (This same trope was recently done even more awesomely in a series of ads for Canadian Club.) […]

There was nothing like Friday night. Dad would get paid and head down to the local watering hole. Him and his buddies would drink for hours and you could here the laughter as his best bud, our neighbor, dropped him off. I can still smell the CC. I can hear the sounds of breaking dishes, and my mother being thrown around the living room. NOTHING is like the smell of CC on a man. I remember the time he came into my room and shook me repeatedly after his Friday night outing. He only did it once as the next time he came in after imbibing on CC I hit him in the head with a tennis racket. Yes, CC has given me memories of my dad that I will never forget.

CC has an add in Wired Magazine June Issue, page 75 and I swear it is the spitting image of my husband when we were first dating in the 70’s. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this add and how to find out who the actor/model is? It’s hilarious and my kids and I want to try and get a life size cardboard cut-out made for my husband’s birthday.

Yeah, not to burst anyone’s bubble, but the main photo isn’t an “authentic photo” from the days of yore. The guy model is my neighbor – easily identified by his entire portfolio on the modelmayhem site. This is a modern ad campaign and he told us all about it. It makes me suspect that all the other “old” photos were also currently staged models. Easier to take new photos and pretend they’re old.

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