
My Politics, Summarized in Three Comic Strips

Here’s a conversation between me and a co-worker (one with strong authoritarian tendencies) from a couple of years ago.

Co-worker [with great incredulity]: Joey? You have a car?

Me: Yup. I usually bike to work, but I’ve had this car for a while. I have mutual funds, too!

Co-worker: But you’re an anarchist!

I enjoy a “do what thou wilt” moment every now and again, but seriously, “anarchist“?

I was reminded of this conversation last night when I got a couple of emails in response to yesterday’s posting about the all-candidates meeting in my neighbourhood. They asked — probably because I wrote that I’m tempted to vote for the candidate named “Zork Hun” based on his name alone — if I would vote Libertarian.

Rather than get into a long-winded essay about my politics, I’m just going to present these three strips from the webcomic Soap on a Rope that sums up my views rather nicely.

Soap on a Rope” comic on liberals from July 1st, 2003.
Soap on a Rope comic from July 1st, 2003.
Click the comic to see it on its original page.

Soap on a Rope” comic on conservatives from July 2nd, 2003.
Soap on a Rope comic from July 2nd, 2003.
Click the comic to see it on its original page.

“Soap on a Rope” comic on libertarians from July 3rd, 2003.
Soap on a Rope comic from July 3rd, 2003.
Click the comic to see it on its original page.

One reply on “My Politics, Summarized in Three Comic Strips”

Nicely summarized. I’ve found there a lot of people (particularly out here in Vancouver) who fly off the handle is you have what would be best described as a mixed view of politics and social issues. If you’re not willing to destroy all cars and turn BC Place into a giant community garden, you’re EVIL. Conversely, when I was growing up in Edmonton, if you though it was OK for gay folk to get married, you were clearly both a Commie AND a little suspect in the hetero department yourself. In conclusion, demagogues suck.

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