
One of These Candidates is Not Like the Others…

Don’t forget: if you live in the Parkdale/High Park riding (“riding” is a Canadian term that means “electoral district”), there’s an all candidates meeting tonight (for my readers outside Ontario — there’s a provincial election coming up). Here’s a photo of the poster announcing the meeting, featuring the candidates who will be present:

All candidates meeting poster for Parkdale-High park featuring the candidates Cheri DiNovo, Bruce Hearns, David Hutcheon, Sylvia Watson and…Zork Hun

Zork Hun? I had no idea you were allowed to run using your Star Wars name. But seriously, that name just leaps off the ballot, doesn’t it? I’m half-tempted to vote for him just for the name.

6 replies on “One of These Candidates is Not Like the Others…”

Speaking as someone who was at the debate, I can vouch for Zork having alternate universe-like ideas. My favourite quote of the evening: “hundreds of millions of people in Ontario…”. I knew traffic was getting worse, maybe this incredible increase in population is to be blamed. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, I attended the debate with an open mind, but it didn’t stay open to Zork for very long, despite his excellent name. Better to destroy your ballot.

@Erin: Oh, wow. Now I really wish that I could’ve made it to last night’s meeting. As much as I want to hear from the viable candidates, I loooove hearing from the wacky ones. The Marijuana Party guy from the 2006 federal elections was priceless at the all-candidates meeting.

I saw this guy too and had the same reaction! I even made the same grue joke!

One coworker thought I said his name was “Zorkon” and that he was an extra from “Flash Gordon”. Which also fits.

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