In the News Toronto (a.k.a. Accordion City)

Toronto to Boston Flight Lands Safely After Landing Gear Failure

American Eagle jet landing at Boston’s Logan Airport.

Although I generally prefer taking Air Canada on my Toronto-Boston flights (my reasons being that the jets are more roomy and Air Canada flies out of sparkly Terminal 1), I sometimes take American Eagle when they’re offering a better rate. Hence my concern at the big news here in Boston today about the American Eagle flight from Toronto that developed landing gear trouble.

According to local news reports, the plane tocuhed down normally until the pilot noticed sparks coming from the bottom. He then performed an emergency ascent and the plane proceeded to circle Logan airport for pver an hour to burn off excess fuel and to give ground inspectors a chance to look at the landing gear. Once the fuel had been burned off and the runway cleared, the plane made a successful and smooth emergency landing with no injuries.

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