
Schrodinger’s LOLcat [Updated}

Update — Sunday June 3, 2007: Now I know who created this LOLCat image — see below the image for details!

Tired: Schrodinger’s Cat. Wired: Schrodinger’s LOLCAT!

Schrodinger's LOLcat: 'I'm in ur box...maybe.
Click to see the image on its original Flickr page. Photo courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.

(Wondering what a LOLcat is? Start here, then go here.)

Who’s Behind This Picture?

Three people are behind this image:

22 replies on “Schrodinger’s LOLcat [Updated}”

You are right, observing the cat collapses the quantum probability to a single state.

Heh, nice one Joey. Have you noticed how much this pic got “digged”? Over 1000! Damn, I know a guy who got majorly dugg…

a high res image would be so cool. this is definitely one of the best LOLcats I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot!

FYI: The original image is about 2 megapixels, about 1400 pixels square.

I’m glad everyone is enjoying this. I’ve enjoyed the various captions I’ve read. I certainly was aware of the Shrödinger’s cat reading of the image when I first finished and posted the uncaptioned picture a year ago.

The cat is Xena. She will be 10 years old this summer.

Hi Joey!

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