
It’s Accordion Awareness Month!

Diagram showing the parts of an accordion.

It’s the first of June, which means that once again, we’re in Accordion Awareness Month! I strongly urge everyone to celebrate it by playing the accordion, enjoyign accordion music and even sending Accordion Awareness Month greeting cards.

I plan to celebrate by playing some accordion karaoke with friends tonight at Clinton’s. If you’re in the neighbourhood, please drop by!

(Big thanks to Nicole, who reminded me that I should post something today.)

4 replies on “It’s Accordion Awareness Month!”

Would that I had an accordion to celebrate with! I actually can play it, sort of, but my budget won’t allow for one. Perhaps a harmonica instead. Or a saw.
I’ll have to inform my friend whose accordion I learned on of this auspicious ongoing celebration of that most glorious of instruments.

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