
MySpace Band of the Week: Necromancer

If you can sing and there’s a fifteen-year-old inside you touchin’ himself to Boris Vallejo posters [warning: might not be safe for work], you might want to audition for Necromancer, as the poster below indicates.

Poster: 'Necromancer: Singer Wanted!'
Nuthin’ says “hardcore” like a cheesy hand-drawn logo and bats.

Go visit their MySpace page, check out the song Raw Meat and enjoy the oh-so-dumb, oh-so-adolescent-sex-fantasy lyrics. That “affection/erection” rhyming couplet: pure gold!

Drummer for the band 'Necromancer'.
“I have a fever and the only cure is MORE SKULLS!”

8 replies on “MySpace Band of the Week: Necromancer”

He forgot lazy, ugly, and disrespectful…

(Breakfast Club, for those of you born after the 70’s)

fuckoff metal hater.
there trying to bring back what fuckers like you killed.
fucking fatass mexican fuck.
do me a favor.
and go fucking kill yourself.
there a rad band.
im very passionate about music like that.
also there guitarist is related to me.

I hear you suck alot of dick peter pan isnt that right. Go listen to elton john you fuckin bitch. Necro rules!!!!

Dude: I love metal. A solid third of my iPod library is metal. I just think that Necromancer’s poster is dumb and their lyrics are idiotic. Trust me — they’ll do more to kill metal than I ever will.

By the way: the proper form of the sentence is “They’re a rad band”, not “there a rad band.” Moron.




you play AC/DC on your fucking accordion fuckhead.

you sure know what metal is about.

just ’cause 1/3 of your library is metal, doesn’t make you metal.

also i wanna see you fucking play like they do.

you can’t play anything close huh?

well maybe on your fucking accordion.

and there type of lyrics are SLEAZE.


ever heard of it?

yeahh dude.

its a type of music.

and there poster is amazing.


such art talent on it.

its fucking rad.

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