It Happened to Me

I’ll be on the News Tonight

Amber MacArthur.

“Hey, Joey!” said Amber Mac as she came into the office earlier today and gave me a big hug. The camera guy who came with her was a little bit confused until she explained that we knew each other socially. “I normally don’t hug people I interview,” she explained.

Dave asked “Don’t I get a hug too?”, so I gave him a hug as well. Camera operators do a lot of work but are rarely seen or recognized for what they do, so he deserved it.

They dropped by the office do an interview with me about the Acer Ferarri 1000 laptop pre-loaded with Windows Vista that was sent to me by Microsoft. In the interview, we talked about the nature of the giveaway, the tempest in a teapot that arose from it and my future plans for the laptop. For those of you in the Accordion City area, it’ll be aired on the news on CityTV tonight at 6. The interview will also be posted online, and I’ll link to that once it goes up.

4 replies on “I’ll be on the News Tonight”

I like the new blog look, very nice and clean. However, my feelings are hurt that there’s no blogroll (with me on it) now. I was feeling famous just being linked to someone who’s gonna be on TV. I’ll watch anyway *sniff*.

I just saw you on TV. It was so short, but I agree with you, as long as you disclose it I don’t see anything wrong with getting the freebies.
Oh, and I want the computer, why don’t you give it to me when you’re done. You’re a Mac guy anyway.

Hey Joey!

Thank you so much for doing the interview today. Keep up the great work on your blog ;-).

All the best.

-Amber (Mac)

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