
Audio Advent Calendar #18: Santas of Colour!

Audio Advent Calendar, December 18.

First, a video treat from the British Indian-themed sketch comedy show Goodness Gracious Me, featuring the recurring character who says that everything that’s anything originated in India (he’s kind of like the Greek dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding). In this skit, he explains that Santa is not from the North Pole, but is in fact, Indian (“Think about it! Big beard! Huge belly! Terrible suit! Indian!“) and finishes with “Ranjeet the red-nosed reindeer”…

For your downloadable audio treat, I present to you Black Santa, a rap by Bruce L. Thiessen, a.k.a. “Dr. BLT”, in which a black guy wants a job as a department store Santa — amusing rap ensues!

Dr. BLT featuring Michael C. – Black Santa (4.9 MB MP3)

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