
My Favourite Journalists: Stewart and Colbert

This has been sitting in my collection of draft blog entries; I thought I’d fire these out before they got too stale.

A study to be published next year in the Journal of Broadcast and Electronic Media states that Comedy Central’s hit satire show, The Daily Show is as “substantive” as “real” news. It’s both an endorsement for The Daily Show as well as a black mark on “real” news.

John Stweart on MSNBC

For your viewing pleasure, here’s a surprisingly reasonable-sounding Joe Scarborough report on MSNBC covering the story, rich with some great clips from The Daily Show. [8.4MB QuickTime video]

Stehen Colbert in 'New Yorker' magazine.

Speaking of Stewart, be sure to check out this New York magazine piece on Stephen Colbert, a very thorough piece on my favourite fake right-wing commentator. I knew he was Catholic but had no idea that he still taught Sunday school. I’d catch a class if he held one here in Accordion City.

One reply on “My Favourite Journalists: Stewart and Colbert”

I’m remided of King Lear. When the court jesters are the only ones who dare speak the truth, it’s time to consider the leadership’s sanity.

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