
Build Your Own Sesame Street "Yup Yup" Aliens

Even now, the Sesame Street skit shown below (click to view the skit) is one of my all-time favourites:

'Yup yup aliens' sketch from 'Sesame Street'.
The “Yup Yup” aliens meet a phone. Click to see the video.

“Mr. Neutron” has posted a photo-how-to showing you how to make your own “Yup Yup” aliens for your own backyard puppet shows. Keep it handy for the next time you’re itching to do a little arts and crafts work:

Mr. Neutron's guide to making your own 'Sesame Street' 'Yup Yup' aliens.

4 replies on “Build Your Own Sesame Street "Yup Yup" Aliens”

But you have to have someone who is really good at the “yip yip yip.” Also, I love that they hide behind their mouths when they get scared.

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