Accordion, Instrument of the Gods It Happened to Me Music

Last Night’s "Give Me Liberty" Street Party

The neighbourhood in which Tucows is located — Liberty Village — is undergoing some interesting changes as it transforms from a neglected industrial area of old factory buildings into a hub of techies and creatives. One of the nice side-effects of this change is the annual “Give Me Liberty” street party, an open-air after-work party where the denizens of Liberty Village get together for good food, beer, music and general carousing.

Ever since I started working at Tucows — three years ago this July — I’ve been invited to play accordion onstage at the start of the party. This year, although I wasn’t contacted, they automatically added me to the playlist. I was a little tied up at work at the time, but they gladly slotted me in between DJ sets at 7:00 p.m.

I loved that there was some kind of assumption that I’d be playing — I rather like being considered an important element of a party for the neighbourhood in which I spend most of my waking hours. The crowd was great — many people told me that they were looking forward to my performance. You guys are the best!

(I promise I’ll make time for sound check next year!)

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