
I Need Some RubyCocoa Help

I’m giving RubyCocoa a try, but I’m having some trouble. I’m asking if anyone out there has a fix.

For simplicity’s sake, I downloaded the .dmg file (RubyCocoa-0.4.3d2-OSX10.4universal.dmg) and ran the installer. So far, so good.

The problems happen when I actually require any of the RubyCocoa modules. I always get this error:

  in `require': no such file to load -- osx/cocoa (LoadError)


I’ve tried the usual fix — making sure that the RubyCocoa directory is included in my $PATH — but that doesn’t seem to help.

I’m running Mac OS X 10.4.6 and Ruby version 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.5.0]. Any guesses as to what’s happening?

3 replies on “I Need Some RubyCocoa Help”

$PATH is for programs at the commandline. Add the directory to the $RUBYLIB environment variable, maybe? You can check the library load path by looking at “$:”.

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