In the News

It’s Election Day in Canada — Go Vote!

Today, Monday January 23rd, 2006, is Election Day in Canada. If you’re eligible to vote, vote!

I was looking for some kind of “vote” image with which to embellish this entry. I used a Google image search for the word “vote” and found this comic on the second page of results. It was so silly that I had to use it:

(In case you were wondering, this seems to be one of a collection of comics at a site called  Holistic Forge Works, drawn using the MS Paint program and a mouse.)

3 replies on “It’s Election Day in Canada — Go Vote!”

Well I went off and did the early voting… to avoid the rush. Of course that doesn’t mean that I felt like there was anyone worth voting for, but what are ya gonna do?

You can refuse the ballot

When you go to the polling station, ask for your ballot, and as soon as they hand it to you, say “I refuse this ballot. There is no one I deem worth voting for.” They have to count it as a refused ballot.

To me, this is better than spoling a ballot, or voting for a wacko party, who you don’t really support either — it sends a clear message that you’re dissatisfied about the choices.

There is no such thing as throwing away a vote. Every vote is counted and most parties do examine the statistics to see where voter dissatisfaction lies, and if a big enough trend appears, they adjust themselves accordingly. For example, if enough people vote for the Marijuana Party, that could affect their drive to decriminalize it.

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